
I am sometimes slow with updating this section - you will always find an up-to-date list on Google Scholar

For work in progress, have a look at the research section of my webpage.

Edited Volumes

2021, Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Peer reviewed articles

2023, Theresa Gessler and Lea Kaftan. “Communicating democratic subversions to citizens”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Online First.

2023, Natasha Wunsch and Theresa Gessler. “Who tolerates democratic backsliding? A mosaic approach to voters’ responses to authoritarian leadership in Hungary”. Democratization 30 (5): 914-93.

2022, Engler, Sarah, Theresa Gessler, Tarik Abou-Chadi, und Lucas Leemann. “Democracy challenged: how parties politicize different democratic principles”. Journal of European Public Policy, Online First.

2022, Theresa Gessler and Sophia Hunger. “How the refugee crisis and radical right parties shape party competition on immigration”, Political Science Research & Methods 10(3): 524-544.

2021, Fabrizio Gilardi, Lucien Baumgartner, Clau Dermont, Karsten Donnay, Theresa Gessler, Mael Kubli, Lucas Leemann and Stefan Müller. “Building Research Infrastructures To Study Digital Technology and Politics: Lessons from Switzerland”, PS: Political Science & Politics 55(2): 354-359.

2022, Theresa Gessler, Gergö Tóth and Johannes Wachs. “No country for Asylum Seekers? How short-term exposure to refugees influences attitudes and voting behavior in Hungary”, Political Behavior 44: 1813–1841.

2023, Endre Borbáth and Theresa Gessler. “How do populist radical right parties differentiate their appeal? Evidence from the media strategy of the Hungarian Jobbik party”, Government & Opposition 58(1): 84-105.

2021, Fabrizio Gilardi, Theresa Gessler, Maël Kubli and Stefan Müller.”Social Media and Political Agenda Setting”, Political Communication 39(1): 39-60.

2021, Fabrizio Gilardi, Theresa Gessler, Maël Kubli and Stefan Müller.”Social Media and Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland”, Swiss Political Science Review 27(2): 243-256.

2020, Endre Borbáth and Theresa Gessler. “Different worlds of contention? Protest in Northwestern, Southern and Eastern Europe.”, European Journal of Political Research, 59(4): 910-935.

2018, Federico Nanni “Findings from the hackathon on understanding euroscepticism through the lens of textual data”, in: Proceedings of the LREC 2018 Workshop ParlaCLARIN: Miyazaki, Japan.

Book chapters

2023, Theresa Gessler and Sophia Hunger: ” The Politicization of Immigration and Radical Right Party Politics in Germany”, in Weisskircher: Contemporary Germany and the Fourth Wave of Far-Right Politics. From the Streets to Parliament., Routledge.

2023, Laia Castro, Theresa Gessler and Silvia Majó Vázquez: “Content analysis in mixed method approaches”, in Oehmer et al: Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research, Springer.

2022, Theresa Gessler: “Topic Models” in Ceron: Elgar Encyclopedia of Technology and Politics, Edward Elgar.

2021, Theresa Gessler and Swen Hutter: “Actor Configurations and Coalitions in Contentious Episodes”, in Bojar et al: Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions., Cambridge University Press.

2021, Theresa Gessler and Swen Hutter: “Conceptualizing, Measuring and Mapping Contentiousness”, in Bojar et al: Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions., Cambridge University Press.

2021, Hanspeter Kriesi, Swen Hutter, Abel Bojar, Argyrios Altiparmakis, Theresa Gessler, Sophia Hunger, Katia Pilati, Julia Schulte-Cloos: “Introduction: A New Approach for Studying Political Contention–Contentious Episode Analysis”, in Bojar et al: Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions., Cambridge University Press.

2020, Theresa Gessler and Julia Schulte-Cloos “The Return of the Economy? Issue Contention in the Protest Arena”, in: Kriesi, Hanspeter et al. (editors): Contention in times of crises. Comparing political protest in 30 European countries, 2000-2015, Cambridge University Press.

2019, Swen Hutter and Theresa Gessler. “Design, Methods, and Cross-Validation of the Media Content Analysis.”, in: Swen Hutter and Hanspeter Kriesi (editors): European Party Politics in Times of Crisis, Cambridge University Press.

2019, Theresa Gessler and Anna Kyriazi. “A Hungarian Crisis or the Crisis in Hungary? The effect of the Great Recession on Hungarian party competition” , in: Swen Hutter and Hanspeter Kriesi (editors): European Party Politics in Times of Crisis, Cambridge University Press.

Non-peer reviewed work and book reviews

2018, Theresa Gessler. “Ungarn”, in: Mercator Forum Migration und Populismus: Migration und Populismus. Jahresbericht 2018. Dresden.

2017, Theresa Gessler. “Book Review: The Hungarian Patient. Social Opposition to an Illiberal Democracy, By Peter Krasztev & Jon Van Til (Eds).” Europe-Asia Studies 69 (3).

2017, Theresa Gessler. “Invalid but Not Inconsequential? The 2016 Hungarian Migrant Quota Referendum.” East European Quarterly. Direct Democracy Notes.